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Many talented people contributed to making Sectaurs such a vibrant universe. On this page, you'll find a celebration of their work. Many of these pieces are from private collections and appearing for the first time on the internet. The collection will continue to grow over time. If you are a fan or collector who has work to share, or a creator who would be interested in an interview or to share any info you have, we'd love to hear from you! Please contact us here.

Original Art

The Sectaurs was blessed to have many great artists work on the property. Through evocative box art and beautifully illustrated tie-in books and merchandise, the world of Symbion came alive.

Original Art by Earl Norem
Toy Concept Art

Even those who were not huge fans of the Sectaurs as children are often struck by the dynamic designs of the toys. Here is a look at some of the concept art behind the toys.

Concept Art
Other Original Art
Animation Model Sheets

A look at some of the animation model sheets. They were created to be incredibly faithful to the look of the toys, even down to the weapons.

If we run across any behind the scenes video about Sectaurs creators,

we will post them here!

Behind The Scenes Video

These photos were taken internally at Coleco. You'll notice some of the characters have older names associated with them.

In-House Photography

Photos of the figures taken for various promotional purposes.

Promo Photography ©2013 Symbion Preservation Society. Sectaurs © Seven Towns, Ltd. 

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